After last night's raving party (adventure #7), we decided that we needed (yes, needed) more cool things to rave with...such as glow sticks, white-out, Hannah Montana (barfing) hair glitter, and highlighters. We purchased these at a very amusing dollar store. Brenna and I wanted fairy wings, but they were too small. Bummer. We tested said rave items tonight in the black light and here's the results: the glow sticks obviously work (no, we didn't actually test them...they will work, trust us), the white-out was a bust, as was the hair glitter, but the highlighters were...SPECTACULAR!! You can barely see them in normal light, but in the blacklight...nigh bliss. We are currently planning a sweet rave in the near future, following more trips to stores that sell highlighters and strobe lights...namely, Target.
On a side note, our meals are often spiced up by certain persons. Brenna, for instance, often makes awkward sexual remarks. Like at our Commencement Dinner, when Brenna wanted Psych major Kendall to psycho-analyze her. She happened to phrase it like this: "Will you do me?!?" She of course didn't realize the awkwardness of this turn of phrase, until we told her. She was extremely embarrassed. Yet despite this, Brenna continues to talk before she thinks. Today, at dinner, Brenna wanted the frosting removed from her cupcake and said "Take it off, just take it all off!" Oh, Brenna. In her defense, she's not the only one. Nu-Nu's friend's roommate Katie told Kendall "That salad looks really good" when Kendall happened to be leaning over it in her tank top. Not to mention, the vocal intonations just added to the awkwardness.
Another one of our meal-time activities is gazing at our favorite "blapharon"...aka someone with nice eyebrows in Old English. We really haven't noticed whether his brows are in good shape or not, but that's just our code name for "him." This studly male is musically gifted, artistically skilled, a fashion-plate (Brenna insists I mention the vest he was wearing today), and just downright gorgeous. In the words of my dark-haired neighbor..."He's like the sun. You can only look at him for so long before you get spots in your eyes."
Tonight held adventures #8 and #9. First, we made a little trip to Little India to get bulk henna. We found a market that sold it and was run by an intimidating but nice Indian woman. She made sure we knew what we were doing, and even offered to give us a book of designs. We are planning on dropping by there again in the near future to pick it up. On the way back from our outing to Little India and Dollar Tree, Kendall's car battery started dying. We were a little freaked out and Kendall put the car in neutral at every red stoplight to rev the engine so we didn't stall. Since I am writing this right now, we obviously made it back. Whew!! Not that I would have normally minded being stranded on the side of the road in the dark (hey, another adventure right?), but I had homework due tonight that I had previously procrastinated.
Some other things to note: Brenna isn't an oral speaker, I don't name thing I sit on, Bethany made call backs (yay!), which is why she wasn't with us tonight, and we developed a new "swear word." Pho is a Vietnamese noodle dish similar to Ramen (so Brenna heard from her brother) and boba is aforementioned nasty brown balls of pho and boba turns into...pho 'n boba (which is pronounced futtinbobo)...see?? Sounds like a swear word. So we proceeded to call each other pho 'n bobas for the rest of the evening in British accents. True story.
I believe that is all to write for now. Tomorrow is our Tenth Adventur-sary!! Going to the AFV taping!! Woot for dressing up and looking cute!! Bye for now!!
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