Friday, October 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Brenna!

Brenna's birthday was this past week. She's practically elderly now...19! Kendall, Nu-Nu and I all dug deep into our nearly empty pockets to purchase lovely presents for her...namely a water bottle, yarn, boba gift cards, and books. Aren't we generous? And like any good journalism major, I wrapped mine in an old newspaper. On Tuesday night, we all dressed up and went to the dollar theater to see Wall-E. Nu-Nu was the only one who hadn't seen it already, but that was ok because it's a great movie. If you haven't seen it yet, drop EVERYTHING (coffee, purse, small child) to go see it at your friendly neighborhood dollar theater!! We stopped at Coldstone Creamery to get some ice cream before the flick. Yummy! It was a marvelous evening.

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week was the Torrey Bible Conference. This year's theme was Sex and the Soul...yup. It was actually pretty good for the most part. I feel like it definitely challenged me in some areas of my faith and life. There were ten sessions over the three days, and we decided to go to the first eight to meet our attendance requirement so we could have today off! It's a good thing we did, since Nu-Nu and I slept until about noon! We were tired!!

Before last night's session, we went to Panera for din-din. We had been planning on going to Panera before Wall-E, but we didn't have enough time, so we just hit Coldstone instead. I was looking at my receipt while we were eating, and I noticed that I had "1 noodle" printed on mine instead of "1 chicken noodle soup." The other girls glanced at theirs too, and found that we were having quite the odd meal. Kendall "1 crm tom" or a Cream Tom. Brenna had "1 diet bk cher" or a Diet Black Cher (as in the singer). Last, and definitely the best, Nu-Nu had "1 chx nood" or Chicks Nude and "1/2 sierra turk" or 1/2 Sierra Turk (as in the nationality). We laughed for about ten minutes straight! I'm surprised none of us choked on our food.

Bethany and Nu-Nu are going on a college group retreat this weekend. They're headed to the mountains or something silly like that. Brenna and Kendall are at Disneyland right now. I'm here all alone. Oh well. When I am by myself, I get a lot of homework done...usually.


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