Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Waffle Irons

My life is the best. Seriously. I'm not joking.

My summer at Trout just recently ended. Nate came to pick me up on Saturday and bring me home. After seemingly hundreds of hugs and goodbyes, we headed on our way. As we drove through a little town called Crosby, my antiquing gene started to flare up, so we stopped to poke around a bit. You have to understand that Crosby has more antique shops than people. I'm not lying. Really. It's the antique capital of northern MN.

Before I continue with my little tale, you must know that I am a big fan of coffee/tea cups. If you have kept up with my personal blog, you know how excited I was to get my new red mug last year. I was elated. I am quite selective, and have little storage space at college, so my collection is small, but it is very near and dear to my heart. Vintage tea cups are the best, since they're often cheap and have much more character than modern cups. And since I'm a college student lacking a dishwasher, it doesn't matter that they're not dishwasher safe.

So as I entered into the dens of antiquity, I was especially mindful of the chinaware displays. At one of the shops, I snagged a bulbous green teacup and a dainty tan coffee mug. Grand total: $4. Grand total after Nate's generosity: $0. A few shops down the sidewalk, I came across a blue teacup too good to pass up. I plopped it down on the counter and the older woman behind it began to ring it up. Like any self-respecting small-towner, she began a conversation with me, questioning why I was buying one teacup. I told her I was fond of them and had just bought two at another store. Her response was something like this: "Yeah I used to get turned on by waffle irons. I'd see a different style and have to buy it. You know how many different types of waffle irons there are?"

As if it couldn't get any better (WAFFLE IRONS!?!), a man just about to leave the shop piped up, proclaiming, "Probably about 500. There's the ones that make a big round waffle, some with four smaller square waffles, and some with pictures on the top." This prompted the saleslady to remark, "Yeah, and then I realized what the hell am I doing?" She then attempted to sell me these really weird blue glass "mugs," but I was too wise for her. Nate paid for the mug ($5) and we made a swift exit, somehow managing to hold our laughter in until we made it a few steps outside the door.

This is a completely true story. No joke. My life is hilarious.

I'm sitting in a hotel room in Ogallala, Nebraska right now, trying to figure out if I should go to bed or not. I also need to order textbooks...boo hiss! Two days until I set foot on California soil again.


1 comment:

Nater said...

I am SO happy this happened to us! What an awesomely hilarious day! Oh the adventures we have had!