It's here...junior year that is. Un-be-lieve-able!
We all arrived on Saturday. Kenny drove down from Santa Rosa with her mom. Brenna drove up from San Diego with her parents. I flew in from MN with my luggage. We got the room arrangement figured out quickly, much to our relief. Didn't want a repeat of last year's craziness. This year's ease was probably due to the fact that we brought less stuff, all three beds are lofted instead of just two, and there's no tv.
Our set-up is pretty nice. We all have places under our beds for "personal space," plus the couch and coffee table for shared space. Also, there's floor space for visiting friends too! There's some nice ambient lighting too, so our room has a little more atmosphere. We're still on HUSH, the first floor of Hope South, but our room overlooks the front of the building, instead of the back. We won't get the sometimes nice, sometimes annoying afternoon sunlight, but we have the lights on the outdoor terrace to look at during the evenings.
Coming in our door!
Jojo's bed space, to the left of the door.
View walking in the door, Jojo and Brenna's beds on the left, Kenny's bed and the wardrobes on the right.
Brenna's bed space.
Fridge between Jojo and Brenna's beds.
Kenny's bed area.
View from the window.
We all had busy summers. Kendall was in her brother's wedding, went to India on a missions trip, volunteered at a camp for a couple days, and worked at a gift shop. Brenna went to Germany on a missions trip, worked in a theatre, and "thrifted." I, Jojo, worked an internship at a magazine publishing company, worked an internship with my dad's company, worked a part-time job serving in the dining hall of a senior housing facility, and hung out with friends/family/boyfriend. Whew! *We all have personal blogs, so check those for more info.*
So, yeah. We're here again. Catching up with friends, meeting new floormates, spending lots of money at Target, going to Starbucks, etc. Classes start on Wednesday. Until then, we're just hanging around here. Brenna works Monday night, I have staff orientation for The Point Monday and Tuesday, and Kenny...she'll just be chilling I guess.
That's the latest from First South!
1 comment:
Great room set up, ladies! It's even better than last year's-if that could be possible??? Hope your year holds many good things for all of you-individually and collectively. May God bless your little space with much laughter, few tears and many shared memories.
Oh,...and I would have sworn this piece was authored by Jojo, but I guess Kels got to the computer first. ; )
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