But that's obviously not the real reason for this post. Today was Halloween. Naturally, we went all out in the costume department.
Brenna dressed as Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series.
Kendall was a dementor, again from Harry Potter.

And, me, breaking with the HP theme, I went as a Scrabble tile!
Our friend Amber was a flower.
And our buddy Lydia was a lumberjack man. :D
We decided to go trick-or-treating, because we wanted free candy and especially because Kenny has only been trick-or-treating once before. But beforehand, we needed to head on over to Chipotle to get our free burritos!! We wrapped parts of our costume in tinfoil in order to secure said complimentary food. But when we got there, we realized that everyone else had the same idea. The line was HUGE (and the picture doesn't do it justice)!! But tooootally worth it!

After enjoying our free food, we drove to this neighborhood our friend had told us about. She had gone trick-or-treating there last year and had received a ton of candy. We, unfortunately, weren't so lucky. We each probably got about 30 pieces of candy, if that. It bummed us out a bit, but it was still fun.
A lot a people couldn't quite figure out what we all were. People recognized Brenna as a Harry Potter character, but most didn't recognize her as Luna specifically. Kendall was mistaken for death, a ring wraith, or just a creepy person in general. People were confused about my costume, thinking I was part of a math problem or an element on the periodic table. One girl even thought I was an M&M...WHAT!?!? One elderly man recognized Amber as a flower. And Lydia...I don't think anyone argued that one.
When we got back to campus, we walked around for a bit and ventured down to the painting studio in McNally. There, we happened to spot a guy dressed as a ring wraith (from Lord of the Rings) walking through the parking lot. Lydia freaked out and told Kenny to go have an epic battle with him. Due to a wardrobe malfunction, Kendall wasn't quite able to catch up with him. But we all cut across a field to cut him off as he made his way to the gate leading down to Hart Hall. We must have looked hilarious...a dark blob, a waddling square, a school girl, foliage, and a fat man running as fast as they could and shrieking with laughter.
We met up with the ring wraith right in front of the sand volleyball courts, where some friends of ours were playing. There, on the sidewalk, with an audience on both sides, highlighted by the volleyball court lights, an epic battle took place. Harry Potter vs. Lord of the Rings. Dementor vs. Ring Wraith. Kenny didn't have a weapon, since dementors only suck souls, so she was at a slight disadvantage. But she fought as hard as they could and after a bit, they just parted ways. We stood in awe as we watched the ring wraith walk off into the darkness.
There's a bit more to this story, such as Luna trying to help the dementor (lol, never thought that would ever happen) with a spell and us following the ring wraith and talking with him, but it's late, and it's too complicated to record accurately. Besides, you've already heard the best part.
All in all, it was a pretty good Halloween. Hope yours was wonderful as well!