We WOULD accidentally go to a new student mixer not realizing the "new" part of it. So now everyone who saw us there probably thinks we're freshmen. And if they bothered to engage us in conversation, and found out that we're really sophomores, they might have come to the conclusion that we're transfers. Or just stupid. (Which is what I happen to lean towards.)
It probably should have dawned on us shortly after we arrived that it was just for new students. We already know some people on our hall, and in our dorm, whether by name or face, and none of those people were in attendance.
But no. We merrily continued socializing with the new people. Our RAs probably figured it out first, but they, being fine ladies of tact, didn't mention our silliness. Part way through, one of them mentioned that we weren't freshman, or sophomore transfers, but just new to the dorm, and then it dawned on me. The sign had read "New Student" mixer. Not "Bumbling Sophomore" mixer. Not "Weren't Really Paying Attention to the Sign" mixer. Not "Glad All Those College Classes Paid Off Because You Clearly Don't Know How to Read" mixer.
By the time I realized our predicament, it was too late to escape. But as soon as was humanly possible, we made our hasty exit. As we ran down the stairs from the fourth floor balcony where the mixer had been held, we laughed at our accidental mistake, and proclaimed that more people should hang out with us, cause the funniest stuff always happens to us.