We just spent the entire weekend doing absolutely nothing productive, unless you count going to church. My boyfriend Nate came to visit, since it was his spring break, and we had the most splendid time. We picked him up at the airport Thursday night and then stopped for donuts on the way back. (There are literally 7 donut shops on the route to LAX.) We got Nate settled in with a friend of ours and then played some ultimate frisbee. We were all really tired (and the donuts didn't help, I'm sure) so we didn't play for very long. After that, I gave Nate a night-time tour of campus and we went our separate ways for the night...zzzz. The next day, we went to chapel in the morning and then chilled in the Alpha lobby and watched the Office until lunch. After we got foods, we went to the Cheese Society in Stewart. It was in celebration of St. Patrick's Day this week and there were all sorts of Irish cheeses. Yum!! :D We then made a trek through the storm gully tunnels to the nearby park area, for a little frisbee time. :) It fell in the stream a few times...
When we got back to the dorm, we rocked out to some Guitar Hero, before Nate and I went on an adventure back to the park. We talked into the wee hours of the morn and then returned to our respective places of dwelling. We got very little sleep, yet still felt surprisingly well-rested. After church, we got some foods in the caf, then dropped Nate off at the airport. Needless to say, I was sad to see him go. :( The weekend went by so dang FAST! I guess time really does fly when you're having fun. Until next time...