So we decided to have a fun day at Disneyland and worry about the car later. Disneyland is pretty much the best place to be stuck with a dead car besides the mechanics. So we have fun, but of course called people who we knew that were at the park that day and asked them if they had jumper cables in between rides. Well, no one we knew stayed very late or even ended up coming at all. So we went to City Hall on our way out (we left early.. around 8:30, which is good considering what came after that...) and asked what to do to get help. So what we had to do it figure out where our car was (it was in Donald 1G) and find a blue light to push the button. The people on the intercom asked where we were, what kind of car we have and what we needed. The spot next to us was open so we stood in it to save it for the security people.
One thing people never notice is how much the parking structure shakes when you stand still. People are either so preoccupied with getting to the park as fast as they can, or getting home as fast as they can, that they never stop and feel how the concrete trembles beneath you every time a car passes by.
So this security guy comes and jumps the car for a second and then it seems to be fine so we go on our way. We're praying to make it back and for God to keep the car going, but once we get on the freeway the thing goes to red again. We got off at the closest exit and find a place to stop. Thank the Lord there was a Starbucks off the freeway. I just started pointing at it going "Starbucks!!! Go there!! Go There!!!!"
We stop at Starbucks, in a spot where another car can get to us. And Kendall starts calling her amazing friends from Torrey. At least it's not a McDonald's again....
So we go inside, thinking instead of cheeseburgers and french fries, this time we can drown our misfortune in sorbetos and grande tuxedos.
there we were again, waiting for help. So, what a better time to document our bad luck?!
Kendall's phone started to die after a while. So we quickly wrote out the phone numbers we needed on my coffee cup with our only writing utensil, a highlighter, and left messages on everyone's phone telling them my cell number so they could get a hold of us.
One of Kendall's friends from her Torrey group, Chris, tells us that he's coming with his roommate to help us. Thinking that if the jump doesn't work that we'd still need a ride back to school.
Here's a bit of the history on Kendall's car. After it started to act funny we replaced the battery, that didn't work. So When Kendall's Mom came down they took it to get fixed. The alternator was bad, so they fixed that, but the battery was still being weird. So it was either a bad alternator or the battery was so drained that the car couldn't recharge it once it was going. The guy at Disneyland only jumped it for a couple seconds. So When Chris came he and his roommate, Tim, jumped it for about 10 min.
So when that was done they got in their car, we got in ours, and we started to follow them back to school because they knew the back roads so we didn't have to go back onto the freeway.
We stopped at a red light for a bit too long and the car died. The guys had already gone through the intersection, so they had to go on and turn around, while Kendall and I put on our emergency lights and sat there.
Some people in a huge SUV behind us were being thick headed and sat there behind us waiting for our car to move, even though our lights were on and Kendall signaled to them several times to go around. Finally they got the idea and went on, but hey, they were stupid enough to buy a SUV, so let's cut them some slack.
While sitting there, waiting for the guys to come back, this one guy backs up in the lane next to us and asks if we're okay. Kendall tells him that we're waiting for our friends to come back to help. He tells us that we should get the car out of the road. And we're just like, yeahhh...... we're gunna do that. So the guy leaves, and Kendall's friends are back by then and behind us, with their lights on now, because our car is so dead the emergency lights don't even work anymore.
We're sitting there wondering why the guys are just sitting there, and wondering what we're going to do next when they guy from the car comes running up to us with two random skater kids, the guys get out of their car and the 5 of them push the car across the intersection to a bus stop. The guy and the skater kids disappear into the night, and after pulling up behind us, the guys start calling AAA for a tow truck. The truck was going to take about 30 min. So we all chilled in our cars. Luckily Kendall and I had brought her portable ipod speakers, so we listened and sang along to music.
First on the list. "The Prayer" by Celtic Woman. I found it to be perfect at this point of time. Then the Andrea Bocelli and Celine Dion version. That song will never be the same. We were interrupted towards the end by the guys peculiar activity in the car behind us. They were hitting their heads, then Tim got out and ran to a tree, touched it, and ran back to the car. After a bit Chris did the same (later we asked them what they were doing and they said they were knocking on wood).
After that odd occurrence we decided that we needed a bit of a pick-me-up. We were stranded, but at least we could make the best of it! So we put on some Techno and started dancing.
The truck got here, buckled up the car in back and we all got into Tim's car and drove back to school. The cool thing is he had 200 miles on his AAA card, so we didn't have to worry about paying for it. Yay!
So we got back safe and sound (at 11:30). The car is in the Biola parking lot, sitting there like the pile of chair that it is. Kendall keeps talking about buying foreign next time.
We went back to my room and had some tea and watched The Office. It was a long night. But grand one none the less.
All I have to say is thank God for good friends and techno music.
I want to be proposed to here:
Keep that in mind guys, be sure to tell the poor fool who falls in love with me.